How To Repair Damaged Hair - shelley and co

How To Repair Damaged Hair

Are you looking for an effective way to make your dry, brittle hair softer and shinier? Dry and damaged hair can be a result of a variety of factors. Often times it is caused by over-styling with heat or treatments that are too harsh on the hair strand; however, it can also happen as we get older or due to certain medical conditions. Regardless of why your hair has become so dry, there are some great tips and techniques out there that will help restore your tresses back to health! In this blog post, I am going to share my top five ways on how to treat damaged hair from using natural remedies at home to opting for salon treatments.


Here are our top 6 tips.

1. Identify the type of damage your hair has
2. Use the right shampoo and conditioner for your type of hair
3. Use a deep conditioning treatment once a week
4. Avoid using hot tools on your hair as much as possible
5. Protect your hair from the sun with a UV-protectant spray or hat
6. Trim your hair every 6-8 weeks to get rid of split ends


1. Identify

In order to identify what damage your hair has sustained, you first need to assess the condition of your ends, scalp, and strands. If split ends are numerous or if breakage is occurring then it is likely due to dryness or chemical exposure.

If dryness is the culprit then your hair needs to be hydrated, either through a deep-conditioning treatment or by using moisturizing products such as leave-in conditioners and oil treatments.

If chemical exposure is the reason for dryness or breakage, you need to adjust your haircare routine accordingly; avoiding further contact with chemicals, using a mild sulfate-free shampoo, and including protein and conditioning treatments to help strengthen the strands. By properly caring for your hair with the right products, you can repair dryness and breakage and restore health to your hair.

2. Choosing the right Shampoo

Finding the right shampoo for your hair type is a crucial step in maintaining healthy hair. The wrong shampoo can cause build-up, strip away essential oils, and damage the delicate balance of moisture. To make sure you’re using the correct product, it’s important to know what type of hair you have – straight, wavy, curly or coiled – as well as your scalp type. It’s also helpful to take note of any concerns you have regarding your hair and scalp so that you can choose a shampoo that will address them.

If you have straight hair, look for a shampoo that adds volume and texture to give your mane some oomph! Choose a lightweight formula with ingredients like panthenol and hydrolyzed proteins that coat strands while strengthening them from within. These types of shampoos are specifically designed to add shine and body without weighing down fine tresses.

For wavy hair, opt for a surfactant-based shampoo formulated with moisturizing agents like glycerin or panthenol to hydrate tresses without making them greasy. The key is finding something that won’t weigh down waves but still provides enough hydration for added definition and frizz control. Rich formulas with shea butter and natural oils are ideal for wavy locks because they nourish from root-to-tip without feeling heavy on the strands or stripping away natural oils.

Curly haired folks need an even richer formula that supplies ample hydration without leaving residue behind or creating extra frizziness. Make sure to choose sulfate free shampoos made with natural ingredients like aloe vera and coconut oil which both offers deep nourishment while promoting defined curls. This type of product will help keep fragile curls hydrated while preventing them from becoming dry or brittle over time.

If you have coily coils then look no further than a cleansing conditioner! These gentle cleansing creams provide thorough cleansing power along with enough moisturizing components to keep kinks happy all day long! Ingredients like shea butter and almond oil help keep curls soft while adding shine to every coil. With this combination, you get all the benefits of using a traditional shampoo alongside extra conditioning agents for optimal moisture retention throughout each strand.

3. Deep Conditioning Treatments

A deep hair conditioner should be used to improve the overall look and feel of your hair. It can help to lock in moisture, restore softness, prevent damage from breakage, reduce frizz, and add shine. Deep conditioning treatments not only provide hydration but also nourish your hair with vital nutrients that keep it healthy and looking its best. Deep conditioning treatments can replace lost moisture, protect against split ends, promote healthy hair growth and prevent further damage from heat styling products.

A deep conditioner also helps to repair existing damage by reconstructing the internal structure of the hair. It improves elasticity so that it does not break easily and it helps to repair damaged cuticles which are responsible for preventing tangles and split ends. Deep conditioning treatments also make hair more manageable by coating each strand with natural oils that reduce friction between the strands when you brush or comb your hair. This can help give you a much smoother look while reducing the amount of time you spend on styling your mane each day.

4. Hot Tools

Using hot tools on your hair, such as curling irons, flat irons and blow dryers, can cause serious damage to your hair. As heat from these tools dries out the natural oils in your strands, it weakens and changes the inner structure of the hair strand so that it becomes more prone to breakage. Over time, this can result in split ends and frizzy or dull-looking locks. Heat styling can also be damaging to the scalp if used too often or incorrectly, as it can cause irritation and flaky skin. In some cases, overuse of hot styling tools has even been linked to long-term scalp damage and baldness.

It's important to note that not all heat styling is bad for your hair; however, moderation is key. If you choose to use hot styling tools on your hair, make sure that you are using a product with a thermal protectant built into it. This helps create a barrier between the tool and your strands so that less heat damage occurs. Additionally, limit your use of hot styling tools as much as possible and give your locks regular breaks from heat styling for at least a few days each week. Finally, be sure not to set the temperature too high when using a tool - always start low and work up if necessary - as this will help minimize any potential damage done to your hair and scalp.

5. Sun Protection

Protecting your hair from the sun is essential to maintaining a healthy and vibrant look. There are several steps you can take to shield your hair from the harmful UV rays of the sun:

Wear a Hat - Wearing a hat is one of the most effective ways to protect your hair from the Sun's rays. Look for hats with wide brims that offer maximum coverage over your face, scalp and neck. If you're looking for more stylish options, there are plenty of fashionable choices out there too!

Use Protective Hair Products - Specialty haircare products contain UV-protective ingredients that help shield your hair from solar exposure. Look for products with natural ingredients such as Shea butter, avocado oil, coconut oil, olive oil or aloe vera gel, which all have natural moisturizing properties that help nourish and protect hair against damage caused by the Sun's rays.

Avoid Styling Your Hair in Direct Sunlight - Whenever possible, avoid styling your hair while it's exposed to direct sunlight as this can cause extra damage due to heat buildup and dehydration. Instead, opt for styling indoors or in shady areas whenever possible.

Cleanse Hair Regularly - It’s important to keep your scalp clean by washing regularly with a mild shampoo so that dirt and grime don't build up and further weaken your hair shafts. Also be sure to condition thoroughly afterwards so that your locks remain soft and hydrated in spite of any environmental aggressors like sunlight or wind.

Keep Hair Moisturized - Make sure you use deep conditioning treatments at least once a week to keep your strands hydrated and prevent them from becoming dry or brittle due to prolonged exposure in sunny conditions. Likewise, always follow up with serum or leave-in conditioner before stepping out into the Sun--these act as protective barriers against harsh UV radiation while adding shine too!

6. Keep your hair trimmed

Split ends are a common problem for those with long hair, and can be very unsightly. Trimming your hair is one of the best ways to remove split ends and restore its health. It's important to trim your hair regularly because split ends can cause damage along the length of the hair shaft. This damage can make the hair frizzy, dry, and brittle, resulting in breakage and slower growth. The longer you leave split ends uncorrected, the more damage they will cause to your hair.

Trimming your hair on a regular basis helps to keep it healthy by removing any split or damaged ends that may have occurred throughout its growth cycle. By snipping off these broken pieces you can help minimize further damage as well as creating a smoother appearance which is much easier to manage. Furthermore, regular trims can help promote faster-growing locks by reducing the weight of excess strands. Regular trims also give an opportunity to reshape the style of your hair, making it look more vibrant and fresh whilst ensuring that it remains in optimal condition for longer periods of time.

Ultimately, trimming your hair helps reduce split ends from forming in the future giving you healthier looking tresses with greater longevity. Regularly trimming also keeps tangles at bay since these strands are less likely to snag on other hairs causing knots which can be hard to get rid off without damaging them further. Not only does this give you healthier looking locks but also prevents any unnecessary breakage which tends to happen when trying to tackle tangles caused by split ends.

Use these tips to nurse your hair back to good health. Be sure to review our products online or in store that can help you give your hair the nutrients it needs!



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